A modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD’s most impossible cases. Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson.
Moonlight Mystique (2024)
Let Wind Goes By (2024)
The Blossoming Love (2024)
Guardians of the Dafeng (2024)
Asura (2025)
Spare Me Your Mercy (2024)
The Place Promised in Our Early Days (2004)
Our Memories (2024)
The Airport Diary (2024)
The Mermaid's Pearl (2023)
My Divine Emissary (2024)
我在东北做白事的那些年 (2024)
Beast Games (2024)
Lauren Lake's Paternity Court (Season 3) (2015)
Punghyanggo (2024)
Barbecue Showdown (Season 2) (2023)
Resurrected Rides (2024)