A young college student who’s struggling financially takes a strange babysitting job which coincides with a full lunar eclipse. She slowly realizes her clients harbor a terrifying secret, putting her life in mortal danger.
Let Wind Goes By (2024)
Spare Me Your Mercy (2024)
我在东北做白事的那些年 (2024)
The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful (2017)
True Detective Mr. Qin (Season 2) / Detective Qin II (2024)
Only Murders in the Building (Season 3) (2023)
Present Is Present (2024)
Insect Detective (Season 2) (2024)
Liu Yong Pursues the Case (2021)
Only Murders in the Building (Season 2) (2022)
The Agency (2024)
Strange Notes (2024)
Beast Games (2024)
Lauren Lake's Paternity Court (Season 3) (2015)
Punghyanggo (2024)
Barbecue Showdown (Season 2) (2023)
Resurrected Rides (2024)